Tuesday, May 04, 2010


San Francisco has been such a blast! It is such a beautiful city. I love all the hills and at night the lights. Apparently this famous graphic artist was here a few days ago and put random drawings all of over the city-I guess its a pretty big deal here. We went with people from the hall to search for them. The Kingdom halls are so tiny here. It is like the size of 1/10 of the one in Florida. There are so many things to do here! I want to just sit and read a book in the perfect weather park, but I have a whole list of must do things.

My cousin and her family are very nice and they all just went out of town so we have the whole house to ourselves. Except they have so many animals. I love animals, but these animals are a lot of work. We have to walk the dogs and then they pooped on the carpet...yuck..and then the poor cat has a thyroid problem so I have to wrap its little thyroid pills inside of this rochetta meat paste twice a day. I like the fish all it needs is 1/4 of a tablespoon of food in am and pm. I hope the cat is okay because it only ate its thyroid medicine paste twice since I've been here. Oh and they have this other cat.... Sumo kitty! He is huge! and black and won't budge. He acts like he owns the place. We tried to get him to move off the bed and eventually after him batting at the pillow we used to push him, got him off. But then he just sits there meowing and batting his tail back and forth that we are so afraid he is going to pounce on us and attack our heads! it is so scary.....

There is such a beautiful view outside of the window here. It is of the city and all the lights and hills. WOW what a lower body work out these hills are. Goodness getting the luggage up the hill was insane!!! I love being able to walk places and not have to drive a car. It is a nice change.