Thursday, January 27, 2005


I had my first drama rehearsal, the play that my school is doing is a comedy version of james bond. I got the part as Miss penny shilly, 75% of my line are me telling bond of my undying love for him, and he basically thinks I'm a weird stalkerish freak. Huh, of all people I wonder why I was chosen for that one.

Did man really go to the moon? Was it all a Hoax? While I was doing research I stumbled across websites of that sort. One of the ones that I went to gave some very interesting arguments, for example, A radiowave takes 1.28 second to go from houston texas to an astronought on the moon, and then 1.28 second for a radiowave to go from the moon to houston. Thus it would take about 2.56 second for a man in houston and a man on the moon to say 'hi, how are you' and then for one to respond 'good, and you?' BUT the footage of the conversations had with the first man on the moon with a man from houston texas, there is only a 0.5 secound delay. Sounds a little twisted to me. My research will go on.