Sunday, November 27, 2011

my ode to good managers

So this is a silly little post but I would have never appreciated good managers until I started my top secret new job! There amazing and so flexible and make work so much fun! I love my job, yes this love will probably only last a week or maybe 2, actually I worked my second shift last night and the love already started to die down after my first series of annoying customers!, but I actually don't really hate the customers just the system of trying on clothes is little flawed... But I am trying to find a way around that... Maybe I will suggest cubbies in the dressing room to store over the max of 5 items? but until then I am proud to be an employee in this smelly retail place! :) And i thought at first i thought it was all about the cool discounts, but haven't used my discount once! Ok back to homework... 2 MORE WEEKS! and this countdown began 11 months ago.