Sunday, February 13, 2005

I named him bob

I sprained my pinky on wednesday the 9th. It is really funny looking at it, it is all swollen and green, and then right in the middle of the joint the part right where it sprained it is bright purple. Dring the meeting on thursday I would put my finger in front of avrils face and whisper "hey avril, meet bob."(I named it bob)I know it sounds pretty stupid but it was very entertaining! It has deflated a lot I can move it now, which is sad because now it isn't half as funny.

I did my round off backtuck last monday. YAy! My goal is to try to get all of my gymnastics skills back. Avril has been making a hip hop dance up for me for my school talent show, and trying to teach it to me. It is insane how unteachable I am, or maybe it is just 'someones' teaching skills?


leechbaby said...

are you implying Ava can never be a teacher, not even for dancing?

Ave said...

Ok this is not true! It's not my teaching skills and I have it on tape, I was secretly recording how abusive Alice is... This is Al "GOsh Avril come on....omg you're the worst teacher ever GO FASTER... ok gosh YOU'RE GOING TO FAST!!! AHHH. Gosh Avril you retard thats not what you did before!!. I hate this!!! Ok SLOWER. FASTER. SLOWER. Ok I don't need you to teach me anymore just sit down and watch me!

Its ok Alice, these things take time.

Julia Gulia said...

take a picture of bob!!!

Unknown said...

I hope you two weren't snorting too loudly about Bob during the meeting. That can be rather distracting. Hehe.

Ave said...

Ok first of all I don't snort, second of all, Alice sticks a BLOWN up fat, green, and black, and some parts almost purple,thing in front of my face, and wiggles it and says in a British accent... "Meet Bob" I couldn't help but giggle, just a little maybe its ALice's irrisitable charm, maybe its the fact that she was laughing so hard at her own joke I had to tune in a little.

TESTPLUG said...

hay this is kinda like the Julia Stiles movie "Save the last dance" except your not a ex-ballarina with no rhythm and Ave's not a b-boy kicking the k-knowledge with a Hip-Hop style.... You should watch it you might get a few pointers or not cause the likeness might just sicken you.

Ave said...

Ok first of all, not to sound stupid, But I kick butt with my hip hop skills. I mean sometimes it embarrassing but I'll tell you at a face off I would soooo beat Julia Stiles! :)

leechbaby said...

I have a question:
Are you homeschooled? Because I saw that you posted a comment on Fiday the 18th at 3:43 and (at least for me) middle school gets out at 4:00.
I was just kind of curious.

leechbaby said...

the real time i posted the last comment was 4:51, not 1:49.

My blogger time is messed up.

Julia Gulia said...

she used to be homeschooled but she just started going to a private school last January

leechbaby said...

oh, thanks Alice ;)