Saturday, March 04, 2006

Goodbye Luna

Luna is going to stay with Ben for a few days. Lets see if he can keep up with her constant need of attention. MWahhaah. It'll be great. But we are all going to miss having her sweet little face around. Have fun visiting Luna.
Violette and I got a a second cello today. It's pretty cool. I can't wait to do some duets in the park with her next week. It'll be blast! We have both officially nailed twinkle twinkle little star, christophers tune and um that poem thing. hehe. Notice my new link the one on the top is my new... can't say that word the whatcha ma callits might be reading this.


Julia Gulia said...

NOOOO the horror!

OhKathy said...

Luna has the cutiest little outfit! She should really get the hat to go with it, and the little boots on her tiny dancing was really fun! Swango to you! hhaha! good times good times! Man we have fun! heh! Oh and football was really funny!

violette said...

this picture just makes my heart melt. what a sweetie.