Tuesday, July 11, 2006

School Work

I love easy schoolwork. It's soo boring, yet so effortless.

Signed up for Spanish online class. I always thought it would be amzaing to be one of those people who speak a ton of different languages.


TESTPLUG said...

yea I'm dreding learning spanish. Well at least you have a best friend that can help you out ... if you need someone to practice with Kevin, Sean, and I need the help(motivation)

Anonymous said...

You knwo what i think might motivate you .... getting one of those translater things. You type in a sentence in english and it will attomatically translate it to any language you want.(most any)

OhKathy said...

haha i'm going to be taking my 3rd year of spanish in high school it was rreally hard spanish 2 ugh bleh. its a bummer caz i hate hard stuff hehe.

Flumper said...

i agree i would love to be one of those super smarty people who when asked how many different languages they speak they respond about 8, i'm not completly fluent in portuguese yet, but i'm getting there. That would be pretty sweet! i started spanish, but i hated my teachers, it is such a cool language, i will master it some day!!

violette said...

challenge yourself. ;)

Anonymous said...

Alice double r has a spanish class and your taking an online class wat the heck?

P.S. This is forest...hi!...:-)

blondebrunet said...

cool im learning portuguese and german