Sunday, June 06, 2010

Clove oil- I should have guessed

Talk about boringest weekend ever! I thought silly wisdom teeth soreness was supposed to go away in two days. But, no, day four and the throbbing pain in my lower right jaw was excruciating. The pain pills just made me sob- nonstop- I couldn't tell if I was crying because my tooth hurt or my face hurt from crying. I called the surgeon Saturday night and he told me that I probably had something called a dry socket. Which is when the blood clot either doesn't form or gets spit out. I went there today and he stuck little pieces of gauze that had been drenched with clove oil inside of the holes in my mouth.. Oh and the relief! It feels so amazing. My mom gave me a whole bottle of clove oil and I just keep rubbing it all over my gums!


violette said...

that picture sure looks like you took a few pain pills ;-)

feel better soon!


Ave said...

yeah LOL!!! that picture makes me think of like across the unuverse when they are all stoned!!! I'm glad to hear to are feeling better!